你可能有资格使用你的财政援助的一部分购买书籍 and supplies required for your courses. Read the Frequently Asked Questions and Answers 下面来了解更多关于预支图书的助学金退款以及如何使用 如果你有资格获得这笔资金,它将用于购买你的材料.

Financial Aid Refund for Books Q&A

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What does ‘financial aid refund advance for books’ mean?

这是提前获得部分预期经济援助退款的能力 (如果你会收到的话),所以你可以使用 your aid as payment.

Can I use my financial aid to purchase my books?

只有当你有资格获得经济援助和你的最终确定 aid for the semester is more than your tuition for the semester. (Estimated aid will not count, nor will student loans if you’ve not completed all loan borrowing steps.)

Can all financial aid recipients use financial aid for books?

No. 如果你的经济援助不足以支付你的学费,你会的 没有即将到来的财政援助退款来购买你的书. Additionally, 如果你的资助超过你的学费,但你不是在一个合格的经济援助 站着,你将无权使用你的援助购买你的书.



你的 personalized financial aid home page in 自助服务 通过 Montco Connect 你会展示你目前的财政资助和学业进展情况吗 outstanding items needed to complete your application.

How does it work?

Just before the start of classes, the College notifies the Virtual Bookstore powered by eCampus 如果你有一个经济援助退款悬而未决,以及最高金额的 portion of your refund you may use to purchase your books. This amount is then available to you as a payment option upon checking out. When the time period to use the funding 过期时,你使用的金额将被记入你的学生账户,这样,当 你的经济援助被释放了,它将被用来支付你在大学里的花费 books and supplies along with your tuition charges.

如果我在使用经济援助后放弃全部或部分课程注册,会发生什么 to purchase my books?

如果你的注册状态发生变化(例如你从12个学分降至6个学分或 完全放弃),你的经济援助可能会改变,你可能没有足够的资金 available to cover the book purchase you made. If this happens, the amount of your 购书费用将保留在你的学生账户上,你将被要求报销 the College for your purchase.


不,你只能在虚拟书店获得图书资助 eCampus. 如果你的教授需要电子校园无法提供的书籍和用品, you cannot use your financial aid to purchase them.


如果你有资格使用你的财政援助退款提前购买书籍,你会 be notified 通过 email to your Montco student email.


如果符合条件,您将在任何15周开始前2周收到通知 或者在你注册的6、7或10周的课程前一周左右. 这封邮件会详细说明你可以用多少经济援助来购买你的书和 你必须在一定的时间内使用它,所以要密切注意它的截止日期!

How do I use my financial aid refund advance for books?

一旦你收到通知,你的资金可以使用,你必须 登录 Virtual Bookstore powered by eCampus using your Montco email address. After you’ve selected your books and supplies, your 可用的财政援助资金将被列为付款选项. 如果你的书 预付贷款不能支付你的全部书费,你将被要求 to provide a credit card to cover the remaining balance. 确保 you keep your order 确认号码,以防客服需要查询您的订单.

Does my financial aid refund advance for books expire?

是的! The expiration date will be provided in your notification email. 你不会的 能够在到期后用你的经济援助购买你的书, so make sure you place your order as soon as possible.


你有权用来购买书籍的任何未使用的财政援助部分 助学金发放到你的账户后会退还给你吗. 确保 you set up your refund preference 直接存入您的银行账户,这样您的退款就不会延迟!

Where can I view my financial aid?

You can view your financial aid in 自助服务 通过 Montco Connect. Navigating to the Financial Information > Financial Aid section will allow you to 查看你的经济录取通知书,它概述了你的经济援助. 查看 Student Finances > Account Activity section will show your tuition, deduct your finalized 从中获得经济援助,并为您提供到期余额或预期信贷 或者退款(负余额,绿色部分),如果你符合资格的话. 金融 aid you can use for books comes from that credit.

我可以卖掉我的助学金退款预支的书或者用它来买书吗 朋友?

No, you absolutely cannot! Misuse violates federal regulations and may result in loss of financial aid funding.


你的可用资金是基于你的学分 enrolled and the amount of financial aid you have pending. Book advance credits will not exceed the following amounts, per enrollment level:
  • 12 or more credits: $1,050
  • 9 to 11 credits: $900
  • 6 to 8 credits: $725
  • Up to 5 credits: $325
如果你可以获得的经济援助,以获得书籍是少于所指出的 以上,这是因为你的剩余援助后,你的学期费用扣除是 less than the maximum allowed.

是否可以提供一些简单的例子来帮助我了解我是否有资格获得访问 my financial aid for books?

这个学生可以使用经济援助来购买书籍,因为他们的援助超过了他们的收入 学费:

       学费                                            $573
       Financial Aid: Pell Grant             - $812  
       Pending credit                              $239 can be used to purchase books

This student is unable to use financial aid 购买书籍,因为他们的资助不足以支付全部学费 (the star below means all three 贷款步骤 are complete): 

       学费                                             $1,146
       Financial Aid:
         *Subsidized Direct Loan           - $1,000  
       由于平衡                                  $146 is owed, so there is no funding available to
                                                              purchase books

Who may I contact with questions?

如果您对订购图书或付款有疑问, contact the eCampus customer service team by email: bookstore@ecampus.com; or by phone: 859-209-6958.
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