Return of Title IV Funds - Financial Aid

Refund Policy for Federal Aid Recipients Who Completely Withdraw

希望退出课程的学生必须通过提交正式退出 the withdraw form.

During the add/drop period, a student can drop their courses online via Self-Service, by fax, or in person at the Enrollment Services Office.

After the add/drop period,学生可填写并提交电子退学表格.

学期第三周后,学费将不予退还. For complete tuition refund information see our tuition refund policy.

在学期的60%或之前完全退学的学生可能不得不 退还他或她未获得的联邦财政援助的一部分,可能还欠学费, fees and a repayment of federal funds. Students earn their federal financial aid based on the percentage of the term that they have completed.

A Return of Title IV Funds 当学生在期间完全退出所有课程时进行计算 a term. 这个计算决定了学生获得经济援助的百分比 根据学生参加的日历天数除以该数字获得 of days in the enrollment period. For example, if a student completed 30 percent of 在支付期内,他们获得的联邦资金是原来的30% scheduled to receive.

为了确定一个学生完成的学期的数量,返回 标题四基金计算将使用学生的最后出席日期. For students 谁正式退学,退学日期将视为该生最后一次退学 date of attendance for calculation purposes. For students who do not officially withdraw, 假设该学生参加了50%的注册期. Students 没有取得及格成绩,并同时取得FS、FN和/或W成绩的学生 被认为是非官方的退出和他们的联邦援助资格会是什么 recalculated as described in this policy.

学校必须返还资金,以达到每个来源的总净额 按以下顺序:无补贴联邦斯塔福德贷款,补贴联邦斯塔福德贷款 贷款,PLUS贷款,佩尔助学金,伊拉克和阿富汗服务补助金(IASG),联邦SEOG 以及任何其他第四章课程,不迟于学校确定日期后45天 the student withdrew.

学生或家长(在PLUS贷款的情况下)必须通过偿还资金来返还资金 向下列来源,按顺序,以从每个来源支付的净额总额为限 来源:无补贴联邦斯塔福德贷款,补贴联邦斯塔福德贷款,PLUS 贷款,佩尔助学金的50%,联邦SEOG的50%和其他的50% federal grant program.

学校将返还金额相对较少的援助 机构收费乘以不劳而获的助学金的百分比. The student 还将负责归还未获得的经济援助的百分比. This 金额将是学校应提供的第四项援助金额之间的差额 and the amount of Title IV aid to be returned. Any federal grant funds that a student 须偿还的款项会由院校交回教育署吗 on the student’s behalf. The student will return any unearned loan amounts in accordance with the terms of the promissory note.

学生将负责支付任何未支付的机构费用 the institution having to return Title IV funds.

如果学生没有收到所赚取的所有资金,他们可能会在取款后到期 disbursement. 如果提取后的支出包括贷款资金,机构 must get the student’s permission before the funds can be disbursed. The student may 选择拒绝全部或部分贷款资金,这样他们就不会招致额外的债务. 希望将贷款资金记入其帐户的学生将需要填写 在收到申请的14个日历日内以书面形式向财政援助办公室提出申请 their notification letter.

有一些第四章基金,学生可能已经被安排接受 不能支付给学生一旦他们完全退出,因为其他 eligibility requirements. 例如,如果一个学生是第一次,本科一年级 未完成前30天课程的学生, 他们将不会收到任何联邦斯塔福德贷款资金 if they had remained enrolled past the 30th day.

一旦学校确定学生已经完全退学,学校就会退回 of Title IV funds calculation will be performed within 45 days. The institution will 在归还学籍后,以书面通知学生修改后的资格 IV funds calculation is completed. If the student owes unpaid tuition and fees, the student will receive an updated invoice from the institution.

Withdraw from modules

如果你退出目前的课程,但注册在一个较晚开始的课程 对于这个学期,我们需要计算不劳而获的资助金额 联邦计划,除非你以书面形式或填写我们的安全在线 form, that you will attend the future courses.

从2021年7月1日起,如果您成功申请,则不需要计算资金返还 complete (earn passing grades) in the following instances:

  1. 在完成课程之前,你已经满足了课程的所有毕业要求 in the period that the you were scheduled to complete; OR
  2. 你完成了一个模块,其中包括49%或更多的天数 the overall payment period; OR
  3. 你完成了一个包含49%或更多的模块的组合 of the numbers of days in the payment period; OR
  4. 你所完成的课程等于或大于本专业所要求的课程 institution's definition of a half-time student.


If you’re a student enrolled only in the 1st and 2nd  一个学期6/7周的课程,请注意以下例子:

Example: You enrolled in one 7-week session I and one 7-week session II. You completed the 7-week session I. A Return to Title IV calculation is required to be run if you:

  1. 不要再参加为期7周的课程II,也不要放弃或退出7周的课程 七周课程结束后,或者学院取消七周课程 session II and you choose to not enroll in a replacement course

这意味着你可能会失去50%的助学金 course you completed in the 7-week session I.

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